4-H is a youth organization in America where kids learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills through 4-H and community activities. In Trempealeau County, nearly 250 kids are part of one of the 11 community clubs.
The program aims to involve both youth and their families. 4-H helps create connections between young people and adults, helping everyone grow through programs, community activities, club involvement, and service.
The 4-H pledge explains what 4-H is about:
I pledge…
- my HEAD to clearer thinking,
- my HEART to greater loyalty,
- my HANDS to larger service,
- and my HEALTH to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world!
What does the 4-H Program offer in Trempealeau County?
Our top priority is the positive development of young people. We achieve this through our 4-H Community Clubs, using resources and educational programs from the University of Wisconsin. Key areas include:
- Encouraging positive development of 4-H youth
- Offering hands-on learning experiences
- Promoting environmental awareness and appreciation
Current efforts include:
- Strengthening 4-H Community Clubs to provide a sense of belonging and community
- Working with Project Leaders through workshops to use the University of Wisconsin’s resources effectively
- Providing leadership opportunities for youth by serving on the Trempealeau County 4-H Leaders’ Board and attending club officer training sessions
- Developing the teaching and leadership skills of adult volunteers through the 4-H Leaders’ Association
- Offering four New Leader Orientations annually to help adult volunteers contribute effectively
- Collaborating with the Trempealeau County Agricultural Society to ensure a successful County Fair showcasing youth efforts
You’ve probably read all the basics about 4-H and what it means to be a member. But maybe you aren’t sure how to get started or what to do first. 4-H can be a lot to take in because there is so much to it! It’s more than just showing up at the county fair; we’re here to help you through it. Let’s get it sorted out through this website! For more information, check out our 2024 4-H Information Booklet (if you want a hard copy, stop by the Extension Office).
4-H To-Do List:
Here’s a short 4-H to-do list to help you figure out the first steps:
- Find a club that fits both your youth and your family.
- Enroll your youth in 4-H Online.
- Choose projects that your youth are interested in through 4-H Online. When you choose these projects, you will be added to the project email lists, so this is very important to stay in the loop!
- Read our monthly newsletter, the CLOVER disPATCH, and the 4-H Facebook page to get caught up on all things 4-H in Trempealeau County.
- Remember important deadlines:
- April 1st – Project Selection Deadline in 4-H Online
- September 1st – Re-enrollment process begins in 4-H Online
- November 1st – Current Member Re-enrollment Deadline
Fair and 4-H:
Trempealeau County 4-H members often participate in the Trempealeau County Fair. The Fair is NOT a requirement for any 4-H member, but it is a traditional event that many members participate in. The County Fair is operated and managed by the Trempealeau County Fair Board. There are many relationships between 4-H and the Fair, but it is not a part of 4-H. Members from other youth organizations can participate in the fair too.
You might see some similarities! If you look at the Fair exhibition handbook, you’ll see department names and classes that relate to our project list. The Fair is an opportunity for members to showcase the projects they have worked on throughout the year. If you hear us use the term superintendent, that is someone involved with the Fair who helps youth sort out the requirements for their exhibits. Many fair superintendents are also volunteers in 4-H.
When you enroll your child in 4-H, it will ask you what projects your child will work on. Your child can pick as many projects as we offer (we offer a lot of projects!). Some families look at the fair book to decide what their children want to exhibit and choose the projects required for that exhibit. You can add or change projects throughout the year in 4-H Online, but if your child plans to exhibit a project at the fair, the deadline for picking that project category is April 1st. There is no limit to the number of projects each member can select. Visit our Project page to learn more!
It is very important to sign up for these projects through 4-H Online as you will then get added to the emailing and/or mailing lists for those projects. Not all projects send out information via email or mail, but some do, and it is very important to ensure that you are in the communication chain!
Clubs are a way for members to get to know other members with similar interests or who live nearby. Some clubs are based on specific projects. You can change clubs at any time in the year to find one that suits your children’s needs and interests. Clubs vary by where, when, and how often they meet. Every club in 4-H practices inclusivity and no youth will be turned away if they want to join a specific club. It’s all about finding the right atmosphere and fit for your family! Check out our Club Information page to see what our county offers!
County Communication/CLOVER disPATCH:
This is the best way to receive deadlines for all sorts of events, some that are pre-fair, and other events hosted by 4-H. The CLOVER disPATCH is our monthly newsletter that gets emailed out to all 4-H families. For families who plan to show animals at the fair, there will be special qualifications and deadlines based on the animal. These deadlines are published in the CLOVER disPATCH.
Like any other youth organization, we have a membership year that runs from September 1st to August 31st every year. That means you will have to re-enroll your child every year they want to be involved in 4-H, beginning in September. The best part? All your information stays the same! But you may want to update those projects!
We would love to help you out – please call the office at 715-538-2311 ext: 208!
The Trempealeau County 4-H Leaders’ Association meets every month to plan and support the 4-H Program. They work with the Ag and Extension Committee of the Trempealeau County Board of Supervisors. Here are their main goals:
- Raise money for the 4-H Program by selling food at the 4-H Food Stand and Trempealeau County plat books.
- Make rules and procedures to run the 4-H Program smoothly.
- Allow adults to help develop 4-H youth in the county.
- Work closely with Andrea Rippley, the University of Wisconsin 4-H Program Educator.
Meeting Schedule:
Meetings are held in the County Board Room at the Trempealeau County Government Center in Whitehall, WI, at 6:30 PM on the 4th Monday of each month. The annual meeting might be on the same night as the September business meeting or at another time. Meetings are listed in the Clover disPATCH newsletter along with the current agendas. To attend a meeting online, contact Andrea Rippley Schlais 24 hours before the meeting to get a link.
Leader’s Board Meeting Minutes:
- March 2019 Leaders Board Minutes
- February 2019 Leaders Board Minutes
- January – NO MEETING (due to weather)
- December – NO MEETING (due to Leaders Board Training)
- November 2018 Leaders Board Minutes
- October 2018 Leaders Board Minutes
- September 2018 Leaders Board Minutes
- August 2018 Leaders Board Minutes
- May 2018 Leaders Board Minutes
- March 2018 Leaders Board Minutes
- February 2018 Leaders Board Minutes
The Leaders’ Association raises money to support the 4-H program in Trempealeau County. They get help from 4-H Clubs, families, and the community. Below is information about their current fundraisers. Please check them out and support Trempealeau County 4-H! All funds raised help the Leaders’ Association host county-wide events (like Clover College, the Bruce Mound Family Trip, and the Foods Revue), support 4-H clubs and project groups, and provide financial support for youth to attend trips, participate in State Teams, or get more involved in 4-H.
If you have questions about these fundraisers, ask any board member!
Trempealeau County Plat Books:
These books show how land in Trempealeau County is divided into blocks, lots, and parcels, and who owns them. They are useful for hunters and farmers!
The most current plat book is the 2019 Plat Book. It sells for $30.00 and can be found at these locations:
- State Bank of Arcadia
- State Bank of Arcadia – Whitehall
- Centerville Coop
- Co-op Credit Union-Galesville
- Independence State Bank
- NCRS Office – Whitehall
- Pietrek Service Station
- Howards Hardware Hank – Arcadia
- Johnsons Hardware Hank – Whitehall
- Holtan’s TnC Sporting Goods – Whitehall
- Waumandee State Bank – Arcadia
- Waumandee State Bank – Whitehall
- Waumandee State Bank – Blair
- Register of Deeds Office – Trempealeau County Government Center in Whitehall
- Extension Office – Trempealeau County Government Center in Whitehall
You can also order a Plat Book by mail. Send a check or money order for $35.00 per plat book to: Extension – Trempealeau County, Government Center, 18600 Hobson St, Whitehall, WI, 54773
The Extension office also accepts debit or credit cards!
Other map options are available on this website: Mapping Solutions GIS
- eBook Pro
- Wall Maps
- Smart Map (cellphone app)
- Custom Aerial Property Map
Make checks payable to the Trempealeau County 4-H Leaders’ Association. Thanks for supporting 4-H! Plat Books are created every 3 years. To place an ad in future plat books, contact us at the Extension Office.
4-H Food Stand:
This fundraiser involves help from all 4-H Clubs and families in the county. The 4-H Food Stand is open during the fair and some other large events at the Galesville Fair Grounds.